Pellepiù, high quality furniture leathers at unbeatable prices

Pellepiù has elevated the concept of leather stocklots to a level, never reached before

In the most important tanneries in Italy, we accurately select every single hide before purchasing, in order to be sure about the quality.

This is how, in 20 years of activity, Pellepiù has optimized his exclusive sales system, which allows all customers to order safely, high-quality leather, at unbeatable prices.

Visit our website, and you will find our complete catalogue with a wide range of extraordinary offers.

We have a picture of every article and a detailed technical sheet, with all information you need.

You will see that Pellepiù offers high-quality leathers, all produced in Italy on either European or South-American raw hides, matching the international production standards and upholstery specifications.

For further information and inquires please don’t hesitate to contact us.

You may request our leather swatches free of charge, anytime, by simply sending an email to